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Today (5th of December, 2012) is the United Nations (UN) International Volunteer Day. It is a day set aside for volunteers to make visible their contributions to social and economic development. The UN places more emphasis on contributions geared towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The theme for this year is, “Celebrate Volunteering”. It is just about recognising volunteers, celebrating their commitment, informing people about volunteering  and applauding volunteers for their dedication and impact.
Volunteering (also known as community service) is considered to be serving the society through one’s own interest, personal skills or learning without necessarily having any financial recompense; while a volunteer is one who expresses willingness to undertake a service.
               1.     It produces self-worth and respect
               2.     It helps in the development of skills
               3.     It is a means of socialization and fun
               4.     It helps to make contacts for employment and a variety of other reasons
I have been involved in volunteering for almost a year now and I have enjoyed most of the benefits if not all and more. This blog is also a way of volunteering my time to promote social work geared towards development.
To learn more about volunteering and how to be a volunteer, visit UNVolunteers.
To know the types of volunteering, visit Wikipedia.
To find volunteering opportunities, visit Vinspired
Share your experiences as a volunteer and inspire others. You can equally send me pictures.  Be proud that you are a volunteer!
SHOTS OF VOLUNTEERS AND VOLUNTEERING (courtesy: Stephen, Timi, Leke, Amanda and Busayo)


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