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Nigerian Network Providers- Every Content Creators Nightmare

Network providers
Network providers

For the past 6 years, I have been flirting around Nigerian network providers. Not out of adventure but in my quest to discover the best service par time. It has been a tough one. Even as I write to you, I am yet to renew any of my mifis or router because I just expended almost 39600 Naira in 4 weeks.

I started out with visafone back then in the university. Visafone allowed for me to receive calls via my laptop since phones were not allowed in school. It also allowed for me to do my research and keep up with social media networks. It seemed decent like most of them do at the beginning but I was faithful with it even right after my university days.

Then everyone started to talk about 4G networks and the options available then was Swift and Spectranet. Atleast, the ones that were popular at the time. I decided to go for Swift after so much research and conducting an opinion poll. This is exactly what I do with every network provider’s device that I have purchased. For a few months, it stayed true to its name and then suddenly became a nightmare.

To avoid stories that touch, I switched to Spectranet. This seemed like the best decision at the time until 2years ago. It started to act up and I was determined to make it work. The company did what they could. Their customer service was great as they actually sent a technician to my home to figure out what the problem was. After a few hours of tests, the technician said to me, “Madam, I think you should get a router. The network will be stronger. However, this thing go continue to happen o”. It was at this moment that he explained to me how the service woks and how the lesser the people on a network, the better the network will be. He did mention that Nigeria did not have the capacity to carry every Nigerian.

Hmmm… this information led me to Smile. It was a premium network when it came out. Very pricey but it delivered. It meant I had to increase my budget on data which I did not exactly mind. For me, if it delivers, then that wouldn’t be a problem at all. Very few people were using the network at the time and the speed was great. For as long as I can remember, that has been my go to network. Infact, I went on to purchase a router just to make sure that the connectivity was a lot better. Unfortunately, this also has its moments and now, with 19800, I can only work well for 2 weeks.

Last 2 months, my brother told me about how good Ntel was and how cheap too. Tempting right? I hopped on that one too. Cracked my Spectranet modem just to be able to get the Ntel to work on it since it couldn’t work on my Blackberry Passport which I use for these kind of SIM cards and Ntel doesn’t have a modem in stock. The sad news about this is, it works for my brother and works well but it has been very problematic for me to connect.It seems to choose the days when it will connect and that is definitely not good for business.

This is the situation I find myself in and I have had to deal with this in the past 6years as a content creator. I will like to know your story. Share with me in the comment section and let’s see what works best in your area.

PS: I am really searching for a network provider that delivers and 20,000 Naira a month is my budget. Thank you!

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