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Shape up and Slim down

This weekend, we bring you this workout routine by Yeah We Train. Just like the previous one, this is something you can do in the comfort of your home. It is very effective and if you got some weights, use that when you do the routine to make it more effective. The whole idea is to keep you in shape and slimming down is just an added benefit. Also, your diet matters a lot. So, don’t be jumping around this morning and then dive into a large chunk of junks later today. Don’t let it be about just now, let it be a habit even as you get into the new week. Here it is!

30 jumping jacks, 12 pushups, 30 high knees, 8 burpees, 30 bicycle crunches, 30 squats, 12 pushups, 30 bicycle crunches, 10 jump squats, 30 jumping jacks, 25 high knees and 1 minute wall sit.

We are advised to repeat the routine 3-5tims for maximum results. Rest for 1minute in between the routine. If you don’t know what this exercises are, we got some pictures for you. We also added a video on how to do the jump jacks.


jumping jacks




high knees






wall sit


bicycle crunches

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