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My Top 3: MUAs

Generally, I am not a make-up person as I barely get my face done except I am attending an event. Even at that, I make sure the make-up is lightly done so that I am not searching for my face or maybe I am not just daring enough to go on an adventure with make-up. However, I do admire a good make-up that is skillfully done and someday, I wish to have a photo shoot done with lots of colors on my face.

The Nigerian Make-up industry is growing so fast and has taken the world by storm as we do have some Nigerian Make-Up artistes who have gone international and gone on to establish their own products that is making wave not just in the country but across the continent and the world at large.
With the numerous Make-Up artistes that we have, I have looked closely at the few I know and came up with the following as my top 3. This is not to say that others are not good but this is based on my own personal preference.
In no particular order, I will start with Khuraira Musa, our inspiring personality of the month.

Khuraira at the MINC

She majors in air brushing and she is super good at it. When she did bring out someone at the conference who had acne on her face, she made this lady up and by the time she was done, all I could say was ‘Flawless’! Trust that her booth was full by the end of her presentation.

Khuraira working on a model at the MINC

This is a woman who says her work has been turned down in the past. Who says your time won’t come? Who says you can’t be better? Who says there is no hope for you? Who says your breakthrough is not around the corner? Well, tell that person to visit the blog to read Khuraira’s Story here.

Next is Bimpe Onakoya.

She seems to know what she is doing otherwise, there is no way a brand like L’oreal would appoint her their Make-up and Artistic director. She conducts their master classes and those who have attended her classes seem pleased with what she does. She also does makeup for quite a number of magazines in Nigeria.

Makeup for the ladies by Bimpe Onakoya

However, I have seen her do her thing at one of the Genevieve Magazine Make-Up shoot and I love her style. For everyone, there is a unique style and blend. I do love her work.

Finally, I will have to pick Mamza.

This is one MUA who I look forward to handling my wedding look. I do not know if I can afford her but I am sure that she is the one I want to handle the job. I see her work all the time on instagram and the way she talks about her clients shows that she doesn’t just do face, she does people.

One of Mamza’s work

That is, she creates a personal relationship with her clients which is important if you are going to be doing my wedding look. You need to thoroughly understand what I like and be patient in understanding that I have a personality. If you are going to throw something new my way, you need to give me some heads up. I just love the natural look she creates. If her instagram pictures were not enough proof, I know someone whose traditional wedding makeup she handled.

Editor’s note: Which MUA makes your list and why? Don’t forget that the more comments you drop on the blog increases your visibility on the blog and you stand a chance to win some of the freebies I have in stock for you which I will be unveiling soon. Also, your responses on your top3 MUAs and why, will be used as opinion poll in one of Nigeria’s top lifestyle magazine. Get your responses featured. Besides, it is free publicity for your favourite MUA.
Till I come your way again, #BeVisible!
instagram: @oma26
twitter: @omateddy
facebook: Oma Ehiri

Disclaimer: The pictures used in this post are not my work.


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