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How To Get Back To Work After The Holidays

Getting back to work after the holidays can be quite a drag. We always think that we will be a 100% once we take that time off to rest and will be ready to take up all the challenges that work throws at us. While you will be bursting with fresh ideas and really refreshed, you are likely to have a back log of activities waiting for you. Besides, your employer is likely to have a lot of work that they want you to do so that you can make up for all that time you lost resting. In order to help you get through the first day back at work and gradually ease into your regular routine, we have a few tips for you.

Draw Up A Schedule

The first step to making sure that you do not feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities is to draw up a schedule. This is pretty easy. All you have to do is do a list of all the things that you will like to get done that day or even through the week and then, prioritise that list. It should guide you and make life a lot easier for you.

Check Your Calendar

Go through your calendar to keep track of any appointments that you already made before leaving so that you do not lose sight of that. If you can, reschedule the appointment.

De-clutter Your Office Space

Not to sound spiritual but there is something relaxing about working in an organized space. You get to have things done faster even because you have everything within reach. So, clear up your desk if you failed to do so before going on the holidays and then arrange whatever files are piling up on the desk in a way that you can easily access them and treat each one accordingly.

Treat Your Mails

While you were on holidays, some people must have been sending you tonnes of emails even when they know that it is a general holiday like the one we just had in Nigeria. So, make that time to sort the emails out. No one is asking you to treat the mails at that time but at least, you can respond to let them know that you are working on the mail or, take notes down on the requests being made and then work on them as time permits. Don’t forget to start with the older mails and work your way to the most recent.

Remove Distractions

One popular distraction at the moment will be trying to keep up with all the social media posts. If that isn’t a part of your work, you have no business being there. So, log out of all the social media accounts if you must, Keep your phone on silent if you must and avoid the office gossips because you are working at protecting your business or your job.

Ask for Help

You may not be able to get the work done alone. So, reach out to someone if you can. If you need advise, ask your colleagues. Don’t stay under the burden of ignorance or pride.

Stay hydrated

You need to have bottles of water by your side because you need to stay hydrated lest you fall ill. You may forget to get meals or not even have the time to leave your desk but that water is super important.

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